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Autor tekstów: Jareg Nemo


I. Nostalgia
II. Wygrać z ciemnością
III. Ostatnia zima


Życie nieodpartą wolą gna w bezkres
Opadłem z sił, tchu mi brak, a próbuję ustać
Coś ciąży mnie na dno w bezczas…
I nie ma mnie, oj nie ma mnie
Dziś nie ma mnie, tam nie ma mnie
Nie szukaj więc, bo nie ma mnie bez Ciebie…

Chciałbym cofnąć czas
Poczuć smak tamtych chwil
I ten ostatni raz
Móc zasnąć w objęciach Twych

Serce zaklęte w zimnym śnie usycha powoli
Z cierpienia, każdym dniem woła po stracie
Chce przestać bić, nawet dziś, rozpada się w pył!
I nie ma mnie, oj nie ma mnie
Wciąż nie ma mnie, tam nie ma mnie
Nie szukaj więc, bo nie ma mnie i nie będzie…

Chciałbym cofnąć czas
Poczuć smak tamtych chwil
I ten ostatni raz
Móc zasnąć w objęciach Twych

Nadchodzi zmierzch, jak widmo we mgle
Wilki wołają twe imię we śnie
Ten brzęk budzi lęk, jak piekielny dzwon
Jest już za późno
Kruk zwiastuje śmierć!

Chciałbym cofnąć czas
Poczuć smak tamtych chwil
I ten ostatni raz
Móc zasnąć w objęciach Twych


„Wygrać z ciemnością”

Noc jeszcze młoda, a jakby już była snem
Niezmiernie błoga, w milczeniu trwa bezsennie
To wielka trwoga samotnie walczyć ze złem (w sobie)
Tak łatwo sięgnąć jest dna i w nim pozostać już na zawsze

Pożerająca pustka jak niemy krzyk
Kiedy w sercu tkwi mrok
Co obezwładnia bezsilnością
Aby móc powstać z kolan i dalej naprzód gnać
Najtrudniej znaleźć siłę i trwać
By z własną zmierzyć się ciemnością…

W życiu nie wszystko można mieć, a często więcej trzeba dać
Ofiarować swą krew, aby poznać smak wolności
I nie warto dumać nad wyrządzonym złem, choć boli nadal
Winniśmy żałować tych, którzy wciąż żyją bez miłości

Pożerająca pustka jak niemy krzyk!
Kiedy w sercu tkwi mrok
Co obezwładnia bezsilnością
Aby móc powstać z kolan i dalej naprzód gnać
I z podniesionym czołem trwać
By w końcu wygrać nad ciemnością!

Jeden mały, wielki krok, aby wygrać z ciemnością…

„Ostatnia zima”

Kryształy naszych snów
Jak widma nienasycenia
Małe upadłe anioły wypędzone z nieba
Jaskrawa toń, od świateł lamp
Oplata suknem tę zimową gładź
A pod jej kołdrą, od brudnych ulic rdza
Skuta zmarzliną w gąszczu upiorów miasta
Znów sypie śnieg, więc chodźmy stąd
I nie mów już nic
Tylko pocałuj noc…

W zamieci spękał lód
Ostatni runął mur
Nieśmiałych gestów i niedomówień…
Moja i Twoja dłoń, pragną odnaleźć się
Ze spojrzeń woła głos
Aby skraść ten pocałunek!
Zakazani – Ja i Ty…

Zew ciszy budzi strach
Wpędza nas w próżnię
To nie był dla mnie dobry dzień
Czy może noc będzie łaskawsza?
W królestwie nocnych mar
Enigma skrywa pieśń
Jak doskonały był to sen
Chciałem by nie miał nigdy końca!

Znów sypie śnieg, więc chodźmy stąd
I nie mów już nic
Tylko pocałuj noc…

Powrót do góry

Modern Love & Old-Fashioned Death

  1. Raven’s Heart
  2. No Tomorrow
  3. Reach The Skies
  4. Alone I Burn
  5. Rusałka
  6. Larvae
  7. Beauty in Black
  8. Chronos
  9. Into The Abyss
  10. End of The Masquerade
  11. Is This The End?

„Raven’s Heart”

Dark is my kingdom and full of disgust
Cold shade of night brings eternal fog
Torn by desires, covered by dust
I taste the bitterness of being alone
Instead of sorrow I have my own virtues
By abandoning me…
God, you rip my heart out!

My wings were once broken, but I’m gonna fly again
Let my resurrection shall bring you a promise of revenge!

It’s deep inside, tearing apart the love I had
Deeply inside, tearing apart… It was my pride
To devour the innocence
The hate inside is pure and sharp
This pain inside… BECOMES MY STRENGTH!

I’ll get my revenge!

I’m ripped apart, but strong enough
To bring back the pieces of a broken glass
Cast out of heaven, the defiant soul
With a heart of a raven out of control…

Through the dark scattered clouds
Ablaze filled the sky
The fall of an angel… A raven’s heart!

My soul is tormented and eaten by anger and pain
My wings were once broken, but I’m gonna fly… again!


„No Tomorrow”

I don’t care what they say
I don’t mind what you thought
No one has rights to judge me
I’m livin’ on my own!

I know these words can be obscure
It’s not a goddamn confession of a fool
My soul is wearing black, I’m haunted by its curse
This cold breath on my back, the grim reaper comes

There is a hole in my soul
It’s why I’m living like there’s no tomorrow
Just hit the road, forget it all and dance with death!
Livin’ like there’s no tomorrow

I got the Devil behind my neck, so what?!
At least I’m not a hypocrite like you
I’m not against the law, but the law is against me
You say it’s a rebellion, I call it freedom!
No remorse! No more „Excusez-moi!”
My middle finger salutes you!
I won’t be faking, I’m done with care for the fools
’Cause they are wasting my fucking time… (It’s all I have)
Don’t you hear my voice? I CURSE YOU ALL!

If there’s no tomorrow, what would you do?
There’s no tomorrow – what if it’s true?
I don’t feel sorrow…
Livin’ like there’s no tomorrow

No remorse! No more „Excusez-moi!”
My middle finger salutes you too!

„Reach The Skies”

When the world starts to crack
From the lies and false regret
I won’t dream about salvation
I’d rather burn my soul for you…

Live fast, die young!
With no regrets, nevermore…
Get high, make love
And fuck the others, fuck this world!

In a place so spooky like this…
I rather want to build some bridges than raise another wall
But in a world so cruel…
I had to destroy everything (even myself?)
To create something beautiful

So come, take my hand and fly me to the stars
Together we could reach the skies
Don’t be afraid, I would never let you fall
If you die, I’ll die with you…

You want to soar so high? It’s a roller coaster ride…

In a place so shitty like this…
I had to pretend I was someone else. I faked in front of all
And in this world I feel so fucked up!
One thing is clear, I know for sure…
We belong to the stars!
Break off the ground, take off the ground…

In a calm and charming heights
We’re pure-like shiny clouds
Together WE ARE ONE…
If life ends tonight I could die with you!


„Alone I Burn”

Do you believe in love at first sight, between the two broken souls?
Have you ever felt the loss of someone special?
My precious, have you experienced the emptiness?
Maybe, I should have known there’s something wrong up in the air
Perhaps I was too naive, to see the things were falling apart
There is a giant crack in my soul that eats me from the inside
Demons of the past… They feed on my fear!

I don’t wanna live like this anymore
I already lost my hopes
And I apologize for things that I’ve done

From darkness I’m calling you, pray for me!

Her light is gone, I lost her forever
Now it’s time for me to go on…
One spark, so precious life
One last kiss of the night and… Farewell my love!

In fire I walk burning all of my hopes
In fire I’m gone… Alone I burn!
From darkness I’m calling you, pray for my soul!
My angel, „Fire walk with me”.

Alone I burn…



This won’t be a love story, but a cautionary tale
All that glitters is not gold.
Roses are red, violets are blue
Love is a bitch, just teasin’ with you
I know that look, you got nailed by the siren!

She brings misery (beware the bane!)
Will wrap you around (get away from her!)
And suck, till the last drop of your blood (you’re screwed!)
Then she will break your heart, just for fun

Let’s get back to the point, where was I…?
With a lick and a promise, for use and abuse
A sweet temptation, but there are two sides of every coin.
Angel-like face, little black dress
With foxy tights, smooth moves like a cat.
Oh, boy you’re in a very big trouble
So dizzy with a dame!

She brings misery (beware the bane!)
Will wrap you around (get away from her!)
And suck, till the last drop of your blood (you’re screwed!)
Then she will break your heart, just for fun

The staring eyes in the corner glitterin’ the dark
Counting down of an imminent doom
You’re just a fly in a spider’s silk
Fool, don’t you know? BLACK WIDOW BITES!
Bite my arse, you bitch!



There’s something very odd within this dream
Disturbing echoes irritate my ears
I had forgotten what I have to be
My mind seems paralyzed like I’m forced to sleep
I cannot figure out what the fuck is wrong
Only got this strange anxiety… In my head
Unpleasant voices… (Kill yourself! Kill yourself!)
What if life is a kind of a dream? (Do it! Do it now!)
And the death is a key… Right now I’m asleep

I wander alone among the walking dead, they seem unaware
Still hide themselves behind the shields of their own despair
Shit happens sometimes, you have to lose to make things right
’Cause everything is falling apart to plant the seed of doubt
A will to liberate… Still in my head
Unpleasant voices… (Kill yourself! Kill yourself!)
What if life is a kind of a dream? (Do it! Do it now!)
And the death is a key… BY DYING I’LL AWAKE!

We may seem like statues carved in stone
With a transparent shells looking smooth and hard
Yet, if you hit the right point there’s nothing else
than sharp pieces of a fucking broken glass

It emerges out of the chrysalis and sheds the old skin inside the cocoon
Then undergoes into its final form and spread its wings… For absolution!

Escape this maze. Release those chains.
Witness the pain. Explore the emptiness.
Find the cure and break the glass.
To solve the cube, think outside the box…

„Beauty in Black”

The false liberty of choice or the delusion of will?
Well now take the pill! Red or Blue? Just choose the gun
It feels surreal like dreaming by
The white rabbit leads the way
Some need a thrill to stay alive
By crossing the other side, because…
You own the night
Queen in the dark

(Nuestra Señora de la Santa Muerte, the beauty in black)

In short conclusion life’s an endless overdose
But in the absence of everything there’s no fucking relief
It seems so real to touch the sky
The stars above enlighten the path
No need to suffer or to get wild
Then the dream will carry on, because…
Queen of the dark

I am here, on my knees and beg you please for one kiss
Let it be what needs to be
Cast me one of your spells
And fill me up with supreme and cadaverous, infinite blackness!

A velvet rose of oblivion
Beauty in black…


„Memor esto quoniam mors non tardat.”
Liber Eclesiasticus, 14, 12

Rodzi się niewinność, wita dzień…
Młody bóg, nektar życia spijać chce
Poznając trud łaknie zdobywać szczyty gór
Bez trosk, bez zła… Błogi świat czeka u jego stóp

Dojrzałe wino słodko-gorzki ma smak
Wczorajsza miłość to jeszcze jedna blizna
A serce drży od samotności
Czemu wzrasta w tobie lęk?
Wciąż impreza trwa
Wódką przepij stres, papieros, kreska, seks…

Nie zmarnuj więc swoich lat
Nie wypominaj strat
Nigdy nie żałuj bólu, który rzeźbił w tobie kształt
To tylko sekunda…
Zamilkniesz w mrocznym śnie
Więc żyj na pełnej kurwie jakby to był twój ostatni raz
I jak pocisk pędź co sił, nie patrz wstecz
Chronos odnajdzie cię i tak, tik- tak
Tik-tak, tik-tak…

W kołysce marzeń samotnie gdzieś łka
Nigdy nienarodzony sen.
W swym lochu zamrożony wypatrując nocy
Kiedy już nadejdzie by ukoić ból

„Into The Abyss”

Raindrops like razors in my head…
Because I wasn’t strong enough? Or it wasn’t worth enough?
I can’t stop the bleeding…
Because I wasn’t pure enough? Or I wasn’t worth of love?

Here I am… The tale untold
Read my wounds and scars
My inner thoughts still driving me insane
You never gonna comprehend that…
So grab the hammer and hit another nail into my coffin
Just crush my skull!

Why that sorrow never ends?
I’m a misery king!
You’d better stay away from me 'Cause you can’t heal my wounds, no!

„It is happening again…” They’ve come into my head
I feel that pressure to throw’em out!
But there’s no escape and there will be blood
I don’t see a fucking compromise!

And I’m falling deep into the abyss seeking the spots of light…

There was darkness I’ve been staring at
Now the darkness is staring at me!
Raindrops still falling in my head!
Because I wasn’t strong enough? Or it wasn’t worth enough?
Because I wasn’t pure enough? Or I wasn’t worth of love?!

And I fall again into the abyss looking for the truth
That I was blind-dead from loving you…

„End of The Masquerade”

J’ai une âme solitaire
It seems this lasts forever…
But I don’t know when it’s started
I think I got used to it
But it’s not well too
And to be honest, it’s like a sure thing
That I’m one foot in the grave
I feel powerless to make this go away
I’m doomed…

The jig is up! I’m a man on the edge
Impulse has come. It’s the end of the masquerade
I’ve carried enough… Like the weight of the whole universe
This black poison took everything from me!

You may say I’m a coward, but I don’t care…
As long as you’re not inside you won’t understand
I want to live! I want to love!
But it pulsates everyday and leads me to a nowhere land
Ça détruit la joie de vivre!
I am surely fucked up, but the world is more insane
So forgive me…
Now you know I’m a wreckage by myself
Just tryin’ to grin and bear it, but there’s nothing left
I can’t stand it anymore!

So may the winds blow off all the remains that left
Then may the sun rise up to cleanse my sins
Well, I don’t care.
And may the flames devour my soul
’Cause I am tired of being, need to rest…
So please, let me go!
My last confession will be short

„Is This The End?”

This is the end, isn’t?
Did you have fun? I guess…
I hope you enjoyed the round
Want some more? Please…
When the lights go out and when the music stop
Remember this…


We hit the roads together, reached the skies
We danced in the flames and shared our hearts
Is this really the end?
Will you ever come back?
You’ll do what thou wilt. It’s your call…
But you need to know that I’ll be here for you, waiting…
Baby, let’s do this again!

Take me home
Don’t walk away
Let’s go back to the start
Is this the end?

…Or just the beginning?


Powrót do góry

Alone I…

  1. Alone I Burn (Radio Edit)
  2. After The Flames
  3. No Tomorrow (Radio Edit)
  4. Alone I Burn (Deadly Silence)
  5. Ghostship

„Alone I Burn”

Do you believe in love at first sight, between the two broken souls?
Have you ever felt the loss of someone special?
My precious, have you experienced the emptiness?
Maybe, I should have known there’s something wrong up in the air
Perhaps I was too naive, to see the things were falling apart
There is a giant crack in my soul that eats me from the inside
Demons of the past… They feed on my fear!

I don’t wanna live like this anymore
I already lost my hopes
And I apologize for things that I’ve done

From darkness I’m calling you, pray for me!

Her light is gone, I lost her forever
Now it’s time for me to go on…
One spark, so precious life
One last kiss of the night and… Farewell my love!

In fire I walk burning all of my hopes
In fire I’m gone… Alone I burn!
From darkness I’m calling you, pray for my soul!
My angel, „Fire walk with me”.

Alone I burn…


„After The Flames”

The burnt photographs
Scattered on the wind
Like the ballet in silence…

One spark to ignite the true love
And either one – that destroys…
Our memories gone, forever lost
All disappear and sink into oblivion
Cursed with oblivion… I am…

Tell me why I had to let her go?
I don’t know why she had to leave?
Tell me why I need to fall apart?
And to devastate my love…

„No Tomorrow”

I don’t care what they say
I don’t mind what you thought
No one has rights to judge me
I’m livin’ on my own!

I know these words can be obscure
It’s not a goddamn confession of a fool
My soul is wearing black, I’m haunted by its curse
This cold breath on my back, the grim reaper comes

There is a hole in my soul
It’s why I’m living like there’s no tomorrow
Just hit the road, forget it all and dance with death!
Livin’ like there’s no tomorrow

I got the Devil behind my neck, so what?!
At least I’m not a hypocrite like you
I’m not against the law, but the law is against me
You say it’s a rebellion, I call it freedom!
No remorse! No more „Excusez-moi!”
My middle finger salutes you!
I won’t be faking, I’m done with care for the fools
’Cause they are wasting my fucking time… (It’s all I have)
Don’t you hear my voice? I CURSE YOU ALL!

If there’s no tomorrow, what would you do?
There’s no tomorrow – what if it’s true?
I don’t feel sorrow…
Livin’ like there’s no tomorrow

No remorse! No more „Excusez-moi!”
My middle finger salutes you too!


I have sailed on many seas
And I’ve fought with a lot of storms
All those battles were hopeless struggle
That only the Devil knows
Even though with a lack of the wind
I’m still drifting alone toward the haven

In a journey called life
We seek golden treasures
Then blindly fall into the eye of the storm
I’ve already drown in a deep ocean… of love

Every cloud has a silver lining
I sank my heart into the deep
The dead mariner reborn as an albatross
The aeons must not last long…
Like an old sailor in a tavern said

In a journey called life
We seek golden treasures
Then blindly fall into the eye of the storm
I’ve already drown in a deep ocean…


Powrót do góry


(Live Proxima)
1. Raven’s Heart
2. No Tomorrow
3. Alone I Burn
4. Into The Abyss
5. Is This The End? & After The Flames

(Live ZetPeTe)
6. Chronos
7. No Tomorrow
8. Reach The Skies
9. Alone I Burn
10. Raven’s Heart

„Raven’s Heart”

Dark is my kingdom and full of disgus
Cold shade of night brings eternal fog
Torn by desires, covered by dust
I taste the bitterness of being alone
Instead of sorrow I have my own virtues
By abandoning me…
God, you rip my heart out!

My wings were once broken, but I’m gonna fly again
Let my resurrection shall bring you a promise of revenge!

It’s deep inside, tearing apart the love I had
Deeply inside, tearing apart… It was my pride
To devour the innocence
The hate inside is pure and sharp
This pain inside… BECOMES MY STRENGTH!

I’ll get my revenge!

I’m ripped apart, but strong enough
To bring back the pieces of a broken glass
Cast out of heaven, the defiant soul
With a heart of a raven out of control…

Through the dark scattered clouds
Ablaze filled the sky
The fall of an angel… A raven’s heart!

My soul is tormented and eaten by anger and pain
My wings were once broken, but I’m gonna fly… again!

„No Tomorrow”

I don’t care what they say
I don’t mind what you thought
No one has rights to judge me
I’m livin’ on my own!

I know these words can be obscure
It’s not a goddamn confession of a fool
My soul is wearing black, I’m haunted by its curse
This cold breath on my back, the grim reaper comes

There is a hole in my soul
It’s why I’m living like there’s no tomorrow
Just hit the road, forget it all and dance with death!
Livin’ like there’s no tomorrow

I got the Devil behind my neck, so what?!
At least I’m not a hypocrite like you
I’m not against the law, but the law is against me
You say it’s a rebellion, I call it freedom!
No remorse! No more “Excusez-moi!”
My middle finger salutes you!
I won’t be faking, I’m done with care for the fools
‘Cause they are wasting my fucking time… (It’s all I have)
Don’t you hear my voice? I CURSE YOU ALL!

If there’s no tomorrow, what would you do?
There’s no tomorrow – what if it’s true?
I don’t feel sorrow…
Livin’ like there’s no tomorrow

No remorse! No more “Excusez-moi!”
My middle finger salutes you too!

Alone I Burn”

Do you believe in love at first sight, between the two broken souls?
Have you ever felt the loss of someone special?
My precious, have you experienced the emptiness?
Maybe, I should have known there’s something wrong up in the air
Perhaps I was too naive, to see the things were falling apart
There is a giant crack in my soul that eats me from the inside
Demons of the past… They feed on my fear!

I don’t wanna live like this anymore
I already lost my hopes
And I apologize for things that I’ve done

From darkness I’m calling you, pray for me!

Her light is gone, I lost her forever
Now it’s time for me to go on…
One spark, so precious life
One last kiss of the night and… Farewell my love!

In fire I walk burning all of my hopes
In fire I’m gone… Alone I burn!
From darkness I’m calling you, pray for my soul!
My angel, “Fire walk with me”.
Alone I burn…

Into The Abyss”

Raindrops like razors in my head…
Because I wasn’t strong enough? Or it wasn’t worth enough?
I can’t stop the bleeding…
Because I wasn’t pure enough? Or I wasn’t worth of love?

Here I am… The tale untold
Read my wounds and scars
My inner thoughts still driving me insane
You never gonna comprehend that…
So grab the hammer and hit another nail into my coffin
Just crush my skull!

Why that sorrow never ends?
I’m a misery king!
You’d better stay away from me ‘Cause you can’t heal my wounds, no!

“It is happening again…” They’ve come into my head
I feel that pressure to throw’em out!
But there’s no escape and there will be blood
I don’t see a fucking compromise!

And I’m falling deep into the abyss seeking the spots of light…

There was darkness I’ve been staring at
Now the darkness is staring at me!
Raindrops still falling in my head!
Because I wasn’t strong enough? Or it wasn’t worth enough?
Because I wasn’t pure enough? Or I wasn’t worth of love?!

And I fall again into the abyss looking for the truth
That I was blind-dead from loving you…

Is This The End?”

This is the end, isn’t?
Did you have fun? I guess…
I hope you enjoyed the round
Want some more? Please…
When the lights go out and when the music stop
Remember this…


We hit the roads together, reached the skies
We danced in the flames and shared our hearts
Is this really the end?
Will you ever come back?
You’ll do what thou wilt. It’s your call…
But you need to know that I’ll be here for you, waiting…
Baby, let’s do this again!

Take me home
Don’t walk away
Let’s go back to the start
Is this the end?

…Or just the beginning?


Rodzi się niewinność, wita dzień…
Młody bóg, nektar życia spijać chce
Poznając trud łaknie zdobywać szczyty gór
Bez trosk, bez zła… Błogi świat czeka u jego stóp

Dojrzałe wino słodko-gorzki ma smak
Wczorajsza miłość to jeszcze jedna blizna
A serce drży od samotności
Czemu wzrasta w tobie lęk?
Wciąż impreza trwa
Wódką przepij stres, papieros, kreska, seks…

Nie zmarnuj więc swoich lat
Nie wypominaj strat
Nigdy nie żałuj bólu, który rzeźbił w tobie kształt
To tylko sekunda…
Zamilkniesz w mrocznym śnie
Więc żyj na pełnej kurwie jakby to był twój ostatni raz
I jak pocisk pędź co sił, nie patrz wstecz
Chronos odnajdzie cię i tak, tik- tak
Tik-tak, tik-tak…

No Tomorrow”

I don’t care what they say
I don’t mind what you thought
No one has rights to judge me
I’m livin’ on my own!

I know these words can be obscure
It’s not a goddamn confession of a fool
My soul is wearing black, I’m haunted by its curse
This cold breath on my back, the grim reaper comes

There is a hole in my soul
It’s why I’m living like there’s no tomorrow
Just hit the road, forget it all and dance with death!
Livin’ like there’s no tomorrow

I got the Devil behind my neck, so what?!
At least I’m not a hypocrite like you
I’m not against the law, but the law is against me
You say it’s a rebellion, I call it freedom!
No remorse! No more “Excusez-moi!”
My middle finger salutes you!
I won’t be faking, I’m done with care for the fools
‘Cause they are wasting my fucking time… (It’s all I have)
Don’t you hear my voice? I CURSE YOU ALL!

If there’s no tomorrow, what would you do?
There’s no tomorrow – what if it’s true?
I don’t feel sorrow…
Livin’ like there’s no tomorrow

No remorse! No more “Excusez-moi!”
My middle finger salutes you too!

Reach The Skies”

When the world starts to crack
From the lies and false regret
I won’t dream about salvation
I’d rather burn my soul for you…

Live fast, die young!
With no regrets, nevermore…
Get high, make love
And fuck the others, fuck this world!

In a place so spooky like this…
I rather want to build some bridges than raise another wall
But in a world so cruel…
I had to destroy everything (even myself?)
To create something beautiful

So come, take my hand and fly me to the stars
Together we could reach the skies
Don’t be afraid, I would never let you fall
If you die, I’ll die with you…

You want to soar so high? It’s a roller coaster ride…

In a place so shitty like this…
I had to pretend I was someone else. I faked in front of all
And in this world I feel so fucked up!
One thing is clear, I know for sure…
We belong to the stars!
Break off the ground, take off the ground…

In a calm and charming heights
We’re pure-like shiny clouds
Together WE ARE ONE…
If life ends tonight I could die with you!

Alone I Burn”

Do you believe in love at first sight, between the two broken souls?
Have you ever felt the loss of someone special?
My precious, have you experienced the emptiness?
Maybe, I should have known there’s something wrong up in the air
Perhaps I was too naive, to see the things were falling apart
There is a giant crack in my soul that eats me from the inside
Demons of the past… They feed on my fear!

I don’t wanna live like this anymore
I already lost my hopes
And I apologize for things that I’ve done

From darkness I’m calling you, pray for me!

Her light is gone, I lost her forever
Now it’s time for me to go on…
One spark, so precious life
One last kiss of the night and… Farewell my love!

In fire I walk burning all of my hopes
In fire I’m gone… Alone I burn!
From darkness I’m calling you, pray for my soul!
My angel, “Fire walk with me”.
Alone I burn…

Raven’s Heart”

Dark is my kingdom and full of disgust
Cold shade of night brings eternal fog
Torn by desires, covered by dust
I taste the bitterness of being alone
Instead of sorrow I have my own virtues
By abandoning me…
God, you rip my heart out!

My wings were once broken, but I’m gonna fly again
Let my resurrection shall bring you a promise of revenge!

It’s deep inside, tearing apart the love I had
Deeply inside, tearing apart… It was my pride
To devour the innocence
The hate inside is pure and sharp
This pain inside… BECOMES MY STRENGTH!

I’ll get my revenge!

I’m ripped apart, but strong enough
To bring back the pieces of a broken glass
Cast out of heaven, the defiant soul
With a heart of a raven out of control…

Through the dark scattered clouds
Ablaze filled the sky
The fall of an angel… A raven’s heart!

My soul is tormented and eaten by anger and pain
My wings were once broken, but I’m gonna fly… again!

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